Grief & Loss

Losing Someone Hurts...

The pain and loss of losing a loved one at some point has crossed all our paths. We all experience grief and great loss differently.  Whether it is a family friend, a loved one, a spouse, a pet, or even a child. Each loss is greatly important and understanding that grief is a healthy and very natural reaction is just as important.

What is Grief?

Grief is best explained like an onion. There are layers upons layers of experiences, emotions, disbelief, anger, frustration, depression, numbness, guilt and lonliness. As you begin to peel away the layers of grief, you experience each of these emotions, some stronger than others. Some can even be debilating, causing you to feel as if the entire world has stopped.

Losing someone we love hurts. It hurts badly. It can be devastating, not to just to us but those around us loving us as we grieve.  Our lives come to a halt. And that is where GRIEF COACHING comes in.

Will Grief Coaching Make the Pain Stop?

Grief Coaching is an important part of the process of dealing with those we have loved and lost. It will never bring our loved ones back to us, but it can help on your road to recovery and healing.

The process of grief is sacred and must be honored individually...

Here at Widow in the City - Grief Coaching, I strive to make things easier on you as you grieve and share your emotions. Sometimes it is much easier to share your pain with someone who has experienced what you have gone through, rather than a clinical person who is simply following text-book guidelines.

Grief Coaching Helps to...

  • Help you take it one day at a time
  • Get through the rough times
  • Share your emotions so you don't keep them bottled up inside
  • Help you understand the steps of grief and how it can affect you
  • Help you understand how your grief affects others
  • Provides skills to help you not just cope but actually heal.

If you are need of assistance or need someone to talk to. I offer free consultations. Please contact me today and together we will rebuild that bridge to happiness ... one moment at a time.

© 2011 Widow in the City - Grief Coaching, AllRightsReserved.

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